Discretionary Housing Payment

Discretionary housing payments are extra money from the council.

You could get DHPs to top up your benefits if you need help with:

  • a rent shortfall
  • rent deposits
  • rent in advance if you need to move home

DHP funding in England and Wales can help people with housing costs, including those affected by:

  • the benefit cap
  • removal of the spare room subsidy in the social rented sector
  • Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rates

What a DHP cannot cover

DHPs cannot cover council tax, even if you get Local Council Tax Support.


Apply through your local council

Each council decides how their application process will work.

Your council will look at your circumstances to see whether you are eligible for a DHP. They will decide:

  • whether to give you a DHP
  • how much you will be paid
  • how long you will receive the payment


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